The Rev Timothy Tow in 1996 had a God-given vision of developing a youth resort somewhere along the eastern sea coast of Malaysia. Mersing, 100 miles from Singapore, was first choice. Providentially, a piece of land in Mersing was then available. The land was exactly what he had dreamt of and it was facing the open South China Sea. This piece of land, 67,500 square feet, was served not only by the seaside road but also by a side road which gave the property a double frontage.

The Life Church Session, after viewing this open seaside property, unanimously decided to take it. This was August 1996. Session decided to build a B-P Youth Camp there, doubling as a Gospel outreach every Lord's Day to both campers and local residents. This Youth Camp would solve the problem of getting a good campsite every year. By God’s good provision, there now stands a handsome, compact, four square mansion designed as a youth campsite. The Malaysian authorities gave it the name, Resort Lautan Biru (“Lautan Biru” means “Blue Sea”).

In 2001, FEBC began to use the Resort for her yearly retreats. Students look forward to each retreat to “rest a while,” a well-deserved break for three days and two nights. The quietness of the surroundings and constant sea breezes provide the campers a conducive environment to refresh themselves in the Lord. The personal reading and public listening of God's Word are naturally the highlight of each day.

It is also at this place that both lecturers and students let their hair down as they participate in non-stop action games (table-tennis, carrom, soccer, captain's ball etc), hilarious skits, melodious hymns of praise, and gastronomic feasts. The retreats have been utterly revitalising and enjoyable, a home away from home. “And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while…” (Mark 6:31). Praise the Lord!